Leaders Of The World

If I am elected leader, I wil begin by revolutionizing the education system. Adults have their places as teachers, but we can use our peers to assist in classrooms, especially for younger children who have learning difficulties.

Every single person will receive the same amount of money, regardless of whether they are employed or not. This will be a minimum wage and teh savings made will be distributed equally so that everone has an adequate home for their needs, and they will be given all the appliances they adeserve: fridge, washing machine, TV and so on. No one should live in a shanty town and no one should have to live without pure drinking water. We need to think on a global rather than a personal basis.

I promise to make the industrialized world responsible for the developing world and to improve the economy of all countries. With a sound economic policy we can begin new space exploration missions, and try to colonize other planets. More money will be given to medical research and all weapon factories will be closed. Anyone manufacturing arms will be imprisoned in open prisons and do community service for the rest of their lives.

The global community will be responsible for peace and if anyone commits murder under any circumstances, they will be given a lethal injection.

If you elect me, you will be able live in a teenagers paradise. There will be free concerts every evening, featuring groups from all over the world. Everyone will be able to learn to play any musical instrument they want- for free. I will change the school curriculum so that all subjects are interesting, and calsses will stop at 1:00 pm every day. The afternoons will be for excursions and other fun activities. And teenagers will finally have the same rights as adults: we'll be able to drive a car, to move out of home and take charge of our lives.

We need to improve our environment. There will br harsh penalties imposed no anyone who causes pollution. Renewable sources energy will supply all our fuel needs in five years' ime. There will be no more destruction of forests, and the global eco system will be protected to prevent further damage to this planet.

People will be encouraged to lead healthierlives and grow their own organic food. We need to keep fit and active, both mentally and physically.


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