Why Do Enjoy Feeling Afraid

Have you ever wondered why horror stories are so popular? Horor films dan't usually contain characters with strong personalities or have strong stories like other films. We are not interested in Dracula's psychological reasons for biting people. Most of us can't remember what happens to Frankensteın's monster when he isn't running around terrifying people. Horror stories can be supernaturel, biological or physical, and they an take place anywhere. The important thing about them is how they make people feel.

People like stories that have an emotional effect on them. For example, some people like romantic stories, which make them feel sad or remind them of being in love. Horror stories and feeling afraid make our hearts beat faster. We experience the same feelings that we get when we do sport or ride on a rollercoaster. People feel panic because they are frightened when they think about the monster, or ride on a fairground ride, and this is exciting. The danger can be just an idea or an image, but it is always frightening and evil. The person watching the film or reading the book shares the feelings of the human beings in the story.

There is another reason why people enjoy feeling afraid. It seems that horror stories help people to do something about things that worry or scare them, such as the dark or pain. They can sit in a safe cinema seat and watch the dark or pain on the screen. When they come out of the cinema, their real fear doesn't seem so bad.

There are two different types of fear in horror storie. In the first type, the danger always comes from outside, such as monster or vampires like Dracula. Human beings can attack the monster, and the re is usually a happy ending to the story, the danger disappears. The second type is more terrifying. The danger comes from inside people, and it is usually more 'realistic' to people. Human beings fight against it, but they are never successful, and the story is usually open-ended, the danger may return, or get worse!

Finally, frightening stories are popular because they show us impossible, unknown beings and things we don't understand. These things both fascinate us and terrify us. Because we are fascinated, we keep on watching or reading, even though we are frightened. This is what gives us the experience which so many of us find enjoyable!


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